Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010

Coffee is ready...

I've got to write a speech for the gallery opening of a friend of mine, -TeER-.
Today, it has to be today. The gallery opeining is tomorrow night at Galerie Eboran in Salzburg Austria. Thats him in the striped long-sleeve blue shirt holding a glass of water and smiling for Orson, the photographer. Usually -TeER- is holding a cup of espresso coffee. He is not doing that in this photo.
It was the summer of 2003. I can tell, because in the photo my face is not visible, my shoe is. The shoe is the right shoe and it is untied. Its untied because i could not move it very well and I could not bend over very well. A month before this photo was taken I was operated on because I had a herniated disc in my back with partial paralysis to my right foot. Maybe that led me to hide my face during group photo sessions.

2003 (from left) -TeER-, Siegfried Zaworka, Frank Bartsch, my shoe, Orson Sieverding, Bodo Schlack and Katharina Sieverding.

2003 was a good summer so far as the weather goes...similar to this one...hot, mostly sunny...a Jahrhundertsommer. it was also the summer that Ratfarmer recorded its debut plate, street games.

I don't want to write a lot about 2003.

Actually, I wanted to post photos of buildings in Sleepytowne. Here goes...

...my question here is: which room in this building was so lucky to get the sniper window?

...70's stuff.

I need a new coffee.

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