i am also not panic-ing.

time for another fuggin espresso.
Its hard not to slide towards a Fischer von Ehrlach handling of the space. it is most definately not a baroque place, but it does yearn for history. its place, placement and partner buildings in this city give a kind of brand-spanking-new-ness feeling, and just that fact gives it a sense of history, or relationship to something in the past. there are four corners to the ceiling. it is not symmetrical. when finished, it will be a mixture of meeting place and bicycle/motorcycle parking place, place to keep the seats dry...meeting places are still important as is keeping our asses dry. there is not yet an ass umbrella...plastic underwear...out of the question, and there really are very few things worse than having a wet ass.
going to northampton england for a weekend birthday party of a good friend. there is a round church from around 1100 something...inspired by a crusaders visit to jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre church, a round church with 18 columns and...look it up on wiki yourself...
in any case, i want to go inside it. i have just been outside it until now...missing the opening times, or the church watcher guy, who actually is a nice guy...he just works according to the official opening hours. problem in northampton is that the nichts can be long and wots occuring.
again, its time to blow this clambake. another coffee would rule, but time is ticking.
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