sunny day today. gonna pump for a good 4 - 5, then there's gonna be a cold pack of cans at the gallery for a secret non-party. stop by if you bla bla bla....
technically day 6 is today. more like day 5.5, but lets round it up. tough job. tough on the spine and the legs...for me. last two days being woken up by baseball sized knots in my back-of-the-upper-leg muscles...right-the day before, left-this morning. Piers says its from the legs constantly adjusting and unconsciously calculating the counterbalance to the swaying movement of the extended platform lift. thats life and the cramps are a bummer and the worst of alarm clocks, I just have to live with it...or eat more bananas and drink more coke and stay up all night guzzling beers from cans and smoke 12 packs of cigarettes daily and not bathe...maybe then the cramps will stop.
fuggin' iscias party/spass-o-rama.
no pain, no gain. bullshit, i know, but somehow the body does understand this to be the way things work. the head however knows better...actually, the head doesn't want to know what the body knows, and vise versa...(topic for some other blogger).
stopped working at 4pm today in order to enjoy a sunny friday late afternoon, take that break and go to the driving range and smash some looping, 120 meter, straight as an arrow 6 iron shots...i sliced a few, i hooked a few, hit a few line drives, the standard stuff...
head down. eye on the ball.
music from the surf...
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