Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011

week four, four bye

crazy day, crazy week. crazy month. everything is really crazy. well, not that crazy. pretty straight-up actually.

up until that hailstorm we'd had a good week of sun.

during the hail storm team member 'J.K.' showed us how to hear the rhythm of the hailstorm by putting an empty paint bucket on your head and running out into the hailstorm. that was interesting and should be done more often, by as many people as possible. he also starred in my new film, Hail / Hagel / Haargel, with team member 'P.E.' playing a supporting role.

team member 'T' left yesterday to go back to hamburg. he is missing out on the cold weather we have today. too bad him. we are very thankful of him and will miss him.

...with his pan of ham spots.

...paparazzi shots of 'T' chippin' away.

And a shot of the thing...

and a last shot of the stand of things yesterday...

...which was actually the day before yesterday. whatever. one more week of figure painting standing on a platform lift or cherry picker. honestly, it doesnt get any better than this.

Lido di Jesolo

Montag, 23. Mai 2011

leaving the house in 20 minutes

...i could use some food.
getting screwy. the image does this right turn around the center ice/fischer v. erlach, breaks apart, cracks open and hatches...the chicken who escaped...drinking a can of beer...spinning...bake the details, the selection, the song text.

i think i have to write something up there in english again.

i will try and speak with the school director about arranging something where the interested students can participate. the industrial band should play sometime this week.

Charles by 3 Chimneys

Samstag, 21. Mai 2011

sunday 3

nothing better to do on an empty sunday but this.
thread. the connection. the underlying drama. greg. a ghost wash. wind and a pile of dust waiting. 1 wish.
...its sunday morning. i've had coffee but the question is, 'do I need more?'.
shoes are empty.

Inna tow cheequin!

drifting in and out of the cape, boston, muncie, new york, chicago, K.C., northampton, wien, california...
technically the next place on the list is somewhere i have never been before. for this i must wait.

drop pass...leporello unfolding into the undefined...key to on the diving board...geometric barrage...telephone call...der kaffee trinker...flash to cat fischermann...implied intimacy...the song text...paradise frissör...flip-chart laden...menabuoi...flashback to father's words of wisdom...Puff!!!...spirals/clouds...end of in square/square in circle...

Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2011

day 15 some clouds mapped out, and the gitter...the grid...gonna do a grid of images and open space with 2 grid pannels cut out by the smoke. the images on thee grid will all have differeent top/bottom. thats just the way it is, and it will be good visible from the street. comic...ausschnitt...empty space...not sure what role it plays other than a grid, a system...something suggesting system...something suggesting something.

the smoke and clouds come out of the truck. the truck delivers charles and kim from point a to point b. a was the grill party. b should be somewhere else than the 'wüsten einkaufszentrum', but they roll in anyhow.

the comic story is important, but not the main thing.
i would like to expand on this, but it is still brewing. lots of suggestive meaning and wisdom, but real solid head to nail with the hammer.

will be working on that today, this sunny 19th of may 2011.

click here

Montag, 16. Mai 2011

takin'(took) a quick trip

couple of fotos from last week...couple of fotos from last weekend...the ceiling already looks different...expanding. lets see what kind of hully-gully happens today.
looking forward to the sun...and the progress!!!

whats that Cher song? it gets sung like someone with broken off ends of plastic spoons in the mouth...the notes and words have to find a way through the curved plastic spoon ends, causing a new and almost experimental sound. what are the words, do you believe in life after love?...just checked. believe. it is the earworm in my head this morning. i have to change this.

this photo is from friday after work. TeER and i jumped a plane to stanstead--->northampton(england). we had the lucky chance to celebrate the birthday of mrs. pilgrimm. it was a blast!


thank you northampton!!!!

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011


funky thing is that there is a lot still to do. we are not halfway done. am i panic-ing.
i am also not panic-ing.

time for another fuggin espresso.

Its hard not to slide towards a Fischer von Ehrlach handling of the space. it is most definately not a baroque place, but it does yearn for history. its place, placement and partner buildings in this city give a kind of brand-spanking-new-ness feeling, and just that fact gives it a sense of history, or relationship to something in the past. there are four corners to the ceiling. it is not symmetrical. when finished, it will be a mixture of meeting place and bicycle/motorcycle parking place, place to keep the seats dry...meeting places are still important as is keeping our asses dry. there is not yet an ass umbrella...plastic underwear...out of the question, and there really are very few things worse than having a wet ass.

going to northampton england for a weekend birthday party of a good friend. there is a round church from around 1100 something...inspired by a crusaders visit to jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre church, a round church with 18 columns and...look it up on wiki yourself...

in any case, i want to go inside it. i have just been outside it until now...missing the opening times, or the church watcher guy, who actually is a nice guy...he just works according to the official opening hours. problem in northampton is that the nichts can be long and wots occuring.

again, its time to blow this clambake. another coffee would rule, but time is ticking.

Sonntag, 8. Mai 2011

week 2

...looking forward to some mid 70's and sun. still, it will be chilly in the shade. Last week we set the stage with an approximately 10m2 image of a Wüsten Einkaufzentrum.

pretty much a clean kitschy jam. I personally need to see some scum-brushstrokes up there...i think i need a telescope-paint roller handle and do a little painting from a distance.

distance to the image surface...seeing the painted image while painting it...
'schau,...Bilder...' -english('')
...spass mit neuer Maltechnik...i gotta do something like screwing up something up a paint a tipped over paint can...foot prints and to on...anyhow, a fuck-up would do the usual contrast to the clean and brav...brav is a german word which does not mean brave. there was a sentence once which a friend said to me once about being brav...there is a time to be brav and there is a time
to not be brav. the person did not speak this sentence.

anyways...i think im gonna put another frickin' coffee on. its about time.
nothin' like a good, ahh... coffee in the mornin'. jeez, its already 8.30.
time to pick it up a little bit.

these pictures were on my camera this morning when i woke up.
echt weird...


september by Ratfarmer

Freitag, 6. Mai 2011

Vacuum City, USA

day 6

...this goes pretty much chronologically backwards yesterday...with perhaps the last 4 shot from a couple of days ago. whatev...
sunny day today. gonna pump for a good 4 - 5, then there's gonna be a cold pack of cans at the gallery for a secret non-party. stop by if you bla bla bla....

technically day 6 is today. more like day 5.5, but lets round it up. tough job. tough on the spine and the legs...for me. last two days being woken up by baseball sized knots in my back-of-the-upper-leg muscles...right-the day before, left-this morning. Piers says its from the legs constantly adjusting and unconsciously calculating the counterbalance to the swaying movement of the extended platform lift. thats life and the cramps are a bummer and the worst of alarm clocks, I just have to live with it...or eat more bananas and drink more coke and stay up all night guzzling beers from cans and smoke 12 packs of cigarettes daily and not bathe...maybe then the cramps will stop.
fuggin' iscias party/spass-o-rama.

no pain, no gain. bullshit, i know, but somehow the body does understand this to be the way things work. the head however knows better...actually, the head doesn't want to know what the body knows, and vise versa...(topic for some other blogger).
stopped working at 4pm today in order to enjoy a sunny friday late afternoon, take that break and go to the driving range and smash some looping, 120 meter, straight as an arrow 6 iron shots...i sliced a few, i hooked a few, hit a few line drives, the standard stuff...
head down. eye on the ball.

music from the surf...