...training camp center and wildlife adventure squad 1325.
still picking out the remains of last nights grillah this morning.
earlier, i sat on my bed looking out the window for about 10 minutes. not even a second thought. the sky such a wonderful morning blue! falcon family swarming and scanning the immediate lower hills above Sleepytowne. took the elevator down to the ground floor, past the red-bull cola machine, walked outside and headed to the abandoned factory. vacant streets. a lone woman sat frowning at a street cafe. i guess they know what they have, or had, but now crusted with a dangerous filth the inhabitants will not budge...they crumble, let crumble and frown with content. in a way, harmless, but these people/ghost split-status ghouls got stuck like epoxy in Sleepytowne. i am lucky. i get to come and go.
things like: photo chemistry recycling, pirate festivals, lithon betonbeschichtung, ausstellungseröffnungsrede für TeER schreiben...überlegen...drandenken..., the institute of ape culture, screwing white wooden plates to walls in a place where painters will be painting pictures on the white wooden plates...are things i concern myself with.
all this and more in Sleepytowne.
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