it's all good i. gonna try to be reduced. gonna go get some tschik, kik and a margerita. gonna try to get the water working. once there is hot water i can think of washing my hands...making coffee...operating the dishwasher.
frozen pizza and a baaaafsk... yuuuuck!
sliding into Sleepytowne tempo. waterjamz... salt content picking up. hot water activated.
check the hot water again. bring out some backline. bring out some more backline. get some no. 7. thinking about trimming off 15 years of fat. setting some tones. rain...jacket...winter hat...gute laune.
...trying really hard to enjoy some time off. the funny part about that is that i kind of like the 'trying hard' part of it. the time off is something hard to describe. i cant really enjoy it because i want time not-off. i want to begin the sprint, to run again. to see the threshold, the number 7... the light, the chance to scream again.
...something about participation in things which generate excitement. and its a very personal thing which does this. floating ones boat can sink another's...always that chance. the population is polar like the planet. M185 floats it for me.
...even cooler in newspapers. Thanks to the Salzburger Nachrichten, there are a few more photos of the HTL-Itzling project in the World Wide Web. Click Here! The Salzburger Nachrichten also printed this article...Danke! Click Here!
On a more personal note, I am presently on vacation in my hometown of Vienna Austria, doing exactly what I usually do here. It's exciting doing nothing. Nothing is just a word, remember. I do plan to play mini-golf on Saturday. I may go to the movies a cinema which is ca. 95 years old...Admiral Kino...gotta keep up with the life-long search of things... ...continuing on, I respect the masterful tension-teeter-totter 'hey,-lets-stretch-the-season-out-as-long-as-fuggin'-possible' style of play by the Boston Bruins(2011 NHL ice hockey champions). Tough to calculate it, but the big, bad bruins were back this year for a visit. Growing up in the Boston area, this book proved to be the most influential piece of literature I could have ever gotten my hands on, stoking me to believe in the existence of legends. For me, the Boston Bruins of 1970 were truly this. Anyhow, welcome back Stanley cup, welcome back big, bad bruins and Boston, you deserve this...the only negative thing i can say is that the playoff beard thing got a little out of a bunch of bearded clones...both wonder there were riots. everyone looked like a mix of sebastian cabot and kenny loggins... ...I suppose I would have done the same thing. Cabot and Loggins knew a good thing I guess...
Its Friday and I am going to work on a song called, 'Greg'. Greg is pictured here in the big circle.
wrap is a good a dürum or a burrito or a cabbage wrap dumpling...end of a film shoot...present is not short for rapport, but sounds similar and has nothing to do with the meaning of rapport. it would however, be a simple challenge to use the word rapport in writing about what has happened the last 5 weeks. gonna let that one slide though.
back to the wrap. i gotta take off now. going to the site to sketch and paint the wrap. a small coffee, then i will go. pressure is mounting from the other side of my life, ...i have to get the wrap off the table.
had a good wrap was a dürum from Itzling. good bread for the wrap. the painting is finished. I will sign it tomorrow in a signing ceremony featuring live concert from an unknown band. this will happen around 9.30am. i want the band to be titled, drool. drool is a cool band name...definately being used by someone...or many...lets see... Drool of england...
i didnt find or even look for more bands with drool as a name...just the films of andy skank at the labour club in northampton.
............................i will sign the large circa 900m2 ceiling painting today...then the concert by Drool(lets use the name here and now...why not?) then i will celebrate a little bit. time to move on. zeit zum einfach weiter fahren.
thank you htl-itzling, thank you kleboth, lindinger, dollnig, thank you top notch painting studio and all others who have been a part of this amazing experience. once the fog has cleared, lets party!
i was thinking of a fictional reality tv show-Hühnermania...chicken mania... where people dress up like chickens and sing songs. that would be cool. it would also be a drag. all those mania shows suck.
'...ah, but who the hell cares. main thing is that we get to spend some time together... you and me.'*
*Cat Fischermann
what was i thinkin'? ...stripes as theme? hard to say...