-thanks peter miller

this is what we are talking about.

the crew jacket.

the crew jacket logo.
top notch studio by Ratfarmer

Barnicle Bernie!

-thanks peter miller

Mike J.
kind of dark...
kind of on the ceiling...
recent shots from the interior of my studio. been a bit crazy mixed up lately, but with good intention and purpose. it all has to do with influencing the next impulse for brushstroke. the turn-ons influence the hand work, and vise-versa.
OK, that said, i am going to get my ass out of the chair and make a coffee. today i am 'der kaffeetrinker'. it is 7.48am. It is officially a vacation day for me. i will go sight-seeing. I will drink a beer with friends in the evening. I will eat food which will strengthen me.
but first, that coffee.
meanwhile the fuggin' coffee is coit...i got a shit-assed boss t-shirt on that i scarfed from a friend of mine, and its choking me. can you believe that?...the whatever its called, neck-opening-hole is tight on my throat, and its giving me friggin heartburn. I'm losin' it, but whatever...i'll be alright. main thing is that we had this chance to spend some time together...
...time to enjoy that vacation day.